Thursday, November 14, 2013

Man turns out to be most perfect lip balm to the world - and not because it was making itself, but

Man turns out to be most perfect lip balm to the world - and not because it was making itself, but because it is a great help to the lips. For the second time I use it when the lips are permanently chapped lips and the corners of the parties. And the next day lips are in perfect condition. What if someone interested in this lip balm recipe, it's quite simple: 5.5 g beeswax (yellow wax with antibacterial properties. Der and plant wax) This 4 g (SHEA) butter 5 g hazelnut oil 3 g almond oil 4 g plum kernel oil a few drops of vitamin E and about 2 drops can add essential oils to mine and nothing is added. carmex moisture plus At first it seemed a little carmex moisture plus smell of honey, but now I do not feel at all anymore no flavor. Preparation: container (water) melt the wax, then applied to the oil and butter. And then vitamins and essential oils. And that's it - poured into dishes :) so this balm also helps against cold sores can not guarantee yet - but seeing how fast it is to deal with chapped lips and cracked lip corners, believe it exposure to cold sores. There will be time to purchase ingredients for when this will end - to make new :) Have a beautiful lips! :)
Each day picture
13th Parasailing
29th Choose a point on the map Latvian and go back (to find what look)
45th Learn interior
61st Buy yourself flowers
78th Asia trip
94th read "Grace and nature of firmness," Ken VILBER
2013 (3) October (1) June (1) May (1) 2012 (18) October (2) September (2) August (2) July (4) May (2) March (1) February (5) 2011 ( 31) December (1) September (1) August (3) July (1) June (2) May (5) April (5) March (2) February (5) January (6) 2010 (111) December (1) November (1) October (11) September (10) August (11) July (12) lessons carmex moisture plus in photography carmex moisture plus # 96 camera How to get black and white picture # 30 fotošopā rain My Perfect Lip Balm Two pictures in one report FAMILY LIFE WISDOM along with the monks, who sold ... # 23 ride through the canal Riga, frozen spinach, shall be returned to the genes of June (12) May (11) April (9) March (10) February (5) January carmex moisture plus (18) 2009 (27) December (10) November (13) October (4 )
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