Thursday, January 2, 2014

The main rule express - make-up - the rejection of crumbly and dry cosmetics, because working with

Fingers, apply a little busenberg concealer funds at lower eyelids, eyebrows and the outer corners of the eyes, the nose, the wings of the nose and around them.
The next step - applying blush: busenberg smile - on the cheeks formed "apple" in them fingers kill makeup and blend it toward the temples. The result - a fresh radiant complexion.
Before embarking on a "coloring" eye poroytes in my beautician and find any fat natural tint shade (bright, bright colors busenberg are difficult to apply quickly and accurately). Kill the shadow fingers on all movable upper eyelid.
In the case of express busenberg - makeup about any smooth, clear and arrows busenberg pidvodtsi not out of the question - they require extra time. Therefore, you must use a pencil: it draws the ciliary contour and blend with your finger.
The main rule express - make-up - the rejection of crumbly and dry cosmetics, because working with brushes and Puhovka takes time. Instead, use fat products that are driven into the skin with fingertips.
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