Tuesday, March 4, 2014

They appear blistex medplus in various forms for several days after birth. Usually the first crack

Diseases of the breast and nipple after childbirth | Pregnancy Info - All about pregnancy
They appear blistex medplus in various forms for several days after birth. Usually the first crack formed (rhagade) on soft skin of red nipples, especially in women who are not properly prepared tending nipples for breastfeeding. When more abundant secretion of milk nipple is constantly moist and soft, the foreskin is easily cracked and injuries, especially if the child holds a long suckling during breastfeeding. Cracks can be quite superficial, but may be deeper, and sometimes a little bleeding, especially after breastfeeding a child.
If the crack quickly regretting, through them, as through any open wound, entering various germs in the breast and cause inflammation of the breast. This disease usually occurs 7-8 days after birth, sometimes blistex medplus later, and starts shivering, after which generated a large increase in body heat (up to 40 C), headache, sometimes vomiting and general prostration.
Diseases of the breast and nipples are a serious impediment to breastfeeding, and prevention "icons showing feeding a newborn infant. And at least crack causing severe pain during breastfeeding so patiently mother lost the will to feed the child, which in turn reduces the secretion of milk.
Therefore, breast and nipple should advance to prepare for breastfeeding, which has already been discussed. As soon as the appearance of the first crack, the nipples blistex medplus must be very carefully nurtured and breast regularly blistex medplus ispražnjavati not come to a halt milk. Before and after each breastfeeding nipple carefully wiped with a cotton pad or prokuvane, soft cloth ukvašene prokuvanom water or 3% solution of boric acid. Several times a day nipple exposed air, or if it is possible to sun light, to skin dry. It is not good to constantly keep the nipple watt with various fats, because it further softens the thin skin on the nipple. That cracked nipples should not breastfeed more making me edgy, it is good that a child sucking through artificial nipple (rubber), and many times it is necessary for 1-2 days completely stop breastfeeding. In this case, the breast is normally empties pumping or izmuzivanjem. A person who nurtures the nipple (the woman herself or someone blistex medplus else) must touch before blistex medplus each wash hands and breast should protect good vest soft cloth in order to prevent irritation of shirts and suits.
If the first sign of inflammation of the breast, should seek a doctor. At the present time there are drugs that prevent the spread of fast ignition. Inflammation in the breast should be ligated, the sensitive place to put a cold compress, and empty the breast pump or by careful izmuzivanjem. A child does not need to stay on the burning breast. If there is not enough food in the other breast, milked milk from diseased breast to boil and spoon feed the child. Mother with breast burning need to lie in bed, easy to take food and to further the government according to the instructions of doctors. blistex medplus This will prevent the fertilization of the breast, which can be treated by surgery alone breast, which reduces a woman's ability blistex medplus to breastfeed when following childbirth.
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