Monday, August 25, 2014

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Sunday 17.08.2014 at 14:43 (updated ma14: 46)
Friday 08/15/2014 farmacia monica at 09:00
Wednesday 08/13/2014 at 16:03
Tellybean developed a grandma phone to Sun 7:30
Tues 8.27. Limerick Thurs, 08.29. Lapland Tues 3.9. Monaghan Tues 09.10. Southwest Finland Tues 17.9. Satakunta farmacia monica Thurs 9.19. North Karelia Tues 9.24. Cork Tues 10.1. South Karelia Thurs 3.10. Uusimaa Tues 08.10. Central farmacia monica Finland Tues, 10.15. South Ostrobothnia Tues 22.10. Dublin Thurs, 24.10. Åland Tues, 29.10. Central Ostrobothnia Tues 05.11. North Savo Tues 11.12. South Savo Tues 11.19. PijtHme Thurs 21.11. farmacia monica Pirkanmaa Tues 26.11. Kanta-Hme
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