Diagnose the state of our internal organs can be just by looking at our hands, feet, tongue, teeth, ears, eyes and entire face. Oriental medicine like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine recognizes the overall tuning of the organism and by way of speech, movement, or even the font of our character and nature. According to the color of their skin, pimples, swelling, wrinkles, skin irregularities and asymmetries in different areas of the face can be recognized in what state they are in individual organs in the body.
Status lung shows on people's faces. Changes lung condition causing corresponding changes color face. It is known that in the case of pneumonia, the patient has a red-colored faces. Pimples on their faces indicate clare burt that the lungs are mucus deposits (mucus) or fatty acid. Pale cheeks betray the weak condition clare burt of the lungs.
Heart shape can be seen from the end of his nose. To a wide distribution (accrued) nose is proof that even the heart will probably widespread. The red color of the nose is evidence of congestion of the heart. Groove at the end of his nose - in the middle - is a sign that there is a heart murmur. This condition is similar to the condition in which there is a hare lip. In her right and left sides of the mouth during embryonic development perfectly clare burt unite. The cause is poor diet in the mother, especially in mineral deficiencies. Nostril show us the condition of the bronchi (bronchitis). Weaker pumping heart can also be seen from sagging eyelids and if the upper lid is loose or too strong.
These bodies, which are located more in the middle, central, body parts, mirrors its shape in the middle and upper part of the nose. Imbalance is reflected frown between his nose and mouth. The left part around clare burt the mouth is related to the pancreas. If in these places have a deeper groove, it's good to watch your blood sugar levels. If you tip the nose is often red, you have an upset stomach. clare burt Likewise, it can also be inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It helps you diet consisting of easily digestible, alkaline clare burt foods.
The kidneys are paired authority. Their corresponding pair organ in the face - or in your head - the eyes and ears. Ears also reveal the overall constitution of man. Until fairly recently, most people born with big ears. Even today, many people older than 45 years, a very large and well-developed ears. They are a sign of very good inborn constitution. Many members of the younger clare burt generation clare burt on the other hand small ears. They demonstrate that not only the kidneys but also the overall constitution are weakened.
In cases where the kidneys are downloaded and cramped as a result of excessive amount of salt in the diet is colored region under the eyes often dark. This symptom can also occur as a result of inappropriate sexual activity. clare burt When the other hand, under the eyes appear clare burt swollen or zduřeliny when you are under the eyes noticeably visible vesicles, it is possible to suspect that the weakened bladder or the kidneys are no longer able to cope with excessive fluid intake. Pimples in the eye shows that in the kidney begins accumulate fat and mucus. When these deposits begin to harden, leads to formation of kidney clare burt stones. You exercises to strengthen pelvic.
Liver in the face corresponds with the center part of the face just above the nose - between the eyebrows. One or more vertical lines in this part of the face gives us a conclusion that the person has liver problems. Spleen has its reflection condition on both sides of the head, and around the outer ends of the eyebrows. If these parts appearing coloration is appropriate conclusion that the spleen is not working properly.
Their condition can be read especially on the forehead. When we receive an excessive amount of fluid, we must urinate excessively while our body begins to react perspiration clare burt on his forehead. Wrinkles or deep lines on the forehead also reveal malfunction of the foregoing authorities. It also vertical wrinkles on the upper lip indicate malfunction of the small intestine and your body probably has few nutrients. Homeopathic preparations and mineral salts help alleviate this problem. Swollen lower lip shows the slow work of the intestines. It helps to massage the abdomen (five minutes clockwise clare burt swirl hands around the navel). Grips daily thirty-minute brisk exercise, running or fast walking.
Their condition and status can be read by the hair. When someone has hair on the tips of the split, which means very yin condition, then it tells us that his or her sexual function and sexual organs are failing are very weak. Human hair has to be strong and resistant clare burt to fracture. Each strand of hair say about our past. The tip of each hair shaft reveals our condition in the distant past, the root of the current condition of our hair. In a similar manner it is possible to read the same development on our nails.
The mouth and the area around the mouth also gives us testimony of the reproductive organs. In the mouth we find men mustache. If it even a hint is found in women, it is a sign of incipient difficulties and problems with sexual organs. When the example of a woman thicker mustache on the right side than on
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