Tuesday, January 27, 2015

This 2013 messuilua with

Hundred and first snow and makes the mind to tell a bit of what is to come. I would tell the future of books in more detail, but the choice česka republika is always a moment of a child to read it, which is a drag. Now it's throughout the Michael Cunningham's The Snow Queen, which is a beautiful, delicate and in its own way just as unique as a snowflake. Instead of known data sequence looks like this: 1. October-November is selected to hear the end of 2014 the most beautiful book cover Leena Lumissa. It is also a prize draw, which will take part of my blog readers logged-in persons. In this last year, and the winners of the 2013 Most Beautiful decks:
2. The Helsinki Book Fair 23.-26.10. and Fair theme country is Italy. Read though Silvia Avallone Steel, if you want a taste of Italy in the tourism advertising images created by the image more. I trade fairs in the capital of the whole weekend from Friday to Sunday, but the book fair on Friday and Saturday, so come and say hello to the familiar: Let's meet in front of sparkling wine as usual:
This 2013 messuilua with 'old' book blogger colleagues, as well as May Day Isthmus, in whose company we were in Prince Edward Island's wind and moods. I have two extra tickets book fair that the value of one. So who wants to go to the Helsinki Book Fair with a friend, commented on this post and declares its willingness to get the tickets, is engaged in a fast draw. Tickets can reach lukijakseni logged to indicate the contact information: active česka republika blog or sähköpostiosoitten unless the blog is. The draw will take place a week from Tuesday, ie 30.9.
3. A number of readers have asked me to list my favorite movies, and even I'm going to do, as the previous time is a long time. My motto could be, although I love the books, but movies ...
4. Last year, I published Leena Lumi's semi-annual report, spring summer, but now such does not arise. If done too much, it may not be out. Then came yet Leena Lumi semi-annual report, česka republika the end of the year, but even that does not now come. When the heart is too full, it remains silent. česka republika And all the time. Instead, česka republika I promise once again to list the 2014 best books in my blog and maybe even make the top twenty list of all my blog a little over five years, perhaps the time for nearly six years, I read.
5. This Vresrosen bud is received upon snow throughout the day. Some real snow, although it melts right away. Pelakuut today is levied on the inside to continue flowering until the end of November move for a few months hibernating in the basement. Vresrosen is a good example of modesty and interior: It does not ask for anything, blooms alkusuvesta česka republika and yet lumessakin, but it blooms! česka republika
I liesussa tomorrow after noon, as I promised 'one more' interview. The subject is, of course, kirjabloggaus. česka republika I'll tell you only when I see the final text, which the newspaper it will be and when. Now I guess I should start to think about a little thing of the past and the present as a whole ... and stop nails: Dior Cherry Flower, or perhaps IsaDora Arctic Frost, or the same manufacturer česka republika Water Rose, Maybelline, Strong Mint Candy or Frost, or however Mavala Lisboa Dakar or Osaka. Perhaps, however, Loreal Color Riche 207 ... How do I sometimes think about the only light shades česka republika of nail polish! Try it! Love Leena Snow
Saila, is not it shocking! I like snow, but it has its own time. Symphyotrichum novi-belgii kestvät, as these things often bloom in snow, if there is any shade. Now the only part open. I invite them to lumiastereiiksi. I am now in addition to really kuki other than hydrangeas, ie the 'syyskukkavinkkauskin'. And I hope they are already late in the shadow česka republika of the white lily bulbs before the ground is frozen! I remember many September, when here in Finland in Tahiti has been the Indian summer and I've been swimming, both alone and with the sleight, have had to water the flowers etc. Syysmalvoja would have been cold but heavy rains before česka republika the last heat wave ränsistyttivät flowers. Remove
Michael Cunningham is waiting for me lukupinossa, a lot of the book to look forward to! And apparently česka republika you, either will again wait for considerable posts;) (I Tickets Helsinki Fair soul, when you do not fit into the schedule, too bad!) Delete
Katri, I have a bit of a contradiction Cunningham relationship, as it was before Paul Auster, which now I push too hard. But this is now meonossa česka republika the Cunningham's just me. Do not expect too much, because I now have all too much, so the splendor of payments are thing of the past or the coming of spring pictures;) (There will always be new book fairs!) Remove
When the heart is too full, it strips the silent sentence right here until this heart area. <3 Click here to become a virtual hug, I understand what you are writing. Force is not the beautiful things created. Can produce česka republika a whopper ukkoani when fish is fooling česka republika book fair this weekend and I have to concentrate their own messuilut arkipä

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