Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Luka allow bleeding and infection, occurs because the breakdown of tissues, such as skin, muscle me

Luka allow bleeding and infection, occurs because the breakdown of tissues, such as skin, muscle membranes, fat, etc. Injuries can be caused by many things, such as from fire, fall, exposed to fire smoke. heat lotion Burns also allow bleeding heat lotion and infection, burns can also result in rupture between tissues in the body. Symptoms are marked blister filled with fluid in the burned area. Wound infection can lead to ulcers. These infections occur due to the entry of microbes into the body, resulting in a lot of damaged cells in between. The body then issued a white blood cell as a sign of resistance terhadapat bacterial attack. White blood cells that die are then digested and turned into pus.
Potatoes Ingredients 1 piece of coconut oil 2 tablespoons Method Wash the potatoes thoroughly, then peel, grate. Squeeze the grated potatoes with coconut oil. Put a bandage on the wound with a clean cloth.
Ingredients heat lotion 8 sheets of mulberry leaves 1 seed Nutmeg Brown Sugar 1 Water finger whiting taste How to Make Mash until smooth mulberry leaves, nutmeg, brown sugar, give water whiting to taste. Apply on the wound, wrapped with a clean cloth. Change 2 times a day, repeat until healed
Leaf material srikaya 10 sheets Air whiting taste How to Make Mash until smooth leaves srikaya, whiting give water to taste. Apply on the wound, wrapped with a clean cloth. Change 2 times a day, repeat until healed heat lotion
1. Ginger
If you are injured as a result of cut herself or for others, take ginger (up to want a red ginger or ginger and white) to taste depending on the number of injuries that would like to be treated, then we grated ginger and then we smeared keluka we previously been washed, then we wrap it with cloth or bandage and leave for more than two days, then we are open and the ginger dressing, do the treatment heat lotion with routine until we suffer injuries are healed.
For further treatment method is by using slugs, snails that are usually there dipohon bananas, colorful, and large. For details, we refer to a snail shape noticed the picture beside. How to use it to take a slug, then we apply a snail meat section at the wound has been cleaned, let there didaging snail mucus is smeared heat lotion our wounds, do the therapy with routine, every day (do pelumuran snail mucus mucus smear keluka when the wound is dry)
Senduduk heat lotion leaves or there are some who say kenduduk leaf is one of many types of plants that grow yard of our house, this wild plant species generally thrive coconut garden area, has pink flowers and there were white, his normally be bird food breakwater . How to utilize senduduk leaves to treat wounds is by taking a leaf senduduk taste (depending heat lotion on the size we want to heal wounds) then we chew-chew until blended, then we smeared or put on the wounds that we have clean then we wrap it with a cloth, let until a few hours later we again replace with a new one.
Use the banana tree sap, after the wound is cleaned, apply and bandaged the wound with gedebong bananas. Allow 30 minutes heat lotion to 1 hour. God willing, the wound will close and will not be infectious.
Ingredients 1 handful fresh bitter melon leaves rice flour 2 tablespoons hot water to taste How to Make Wash thoroughly bitter melon leaves, crushed, add water a little bit laluperas. Capur juice with rice flour, stirring until blended. Apply on the scar every day.
Often happens, skin wounds treated himself with bad consequences. Not only skin disease is not cured, but even worse. Quite often leaves scars or scars. What should be considered in treating wounds in the skin?
1. Burns instead of toothpaste or butter salepnya often happens, burns or butter smeared heat lotion toothpaste. Burns is like a wound generally, needs to be treated sterile. Toothpaste and butter does not benefit, even to bad consequences. Toothpaste or butter may not be sterile, so the bacteria heat lotion into the wound.
Minor burns (redness only skin without blisters) ointment smeared enough livertran (can be bought from pharmacies), and does not need to be closed. The burn blisters bubbly, do not break them. Let the rupture itself.
After the break, protect from exposure to the water bath, because heat lotion the skin on the skin is still young, easily penetrated germs. Treatment heat lotion with antisepsis still need besides adding livertran ointment. heat lotion Now there is another kind of ointment to help regenerate heat lotion new skin tissue. heat lotion
2. Suture the wound should not be left open if the wound until the stitches, do not forget to open the seams. It often happens, the patient did not return to the doctor to open the stitches. B

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