Sunday, April 19, 2015

As some of you probably know, a long time I tried to prepare their own Android app to support porta

My application to support the excavation - Digg for Android -
As some of you probably know, a long time I tried to prepare their own Android app to support portal that we all like and we use every day. And today's the day on which the results are worth my efforts to show the world. lippenpflegestift Wykopowicze ... Here Dig for Android!

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@ John-brewing: No no it's not about that expensive or cus, but a little strange. The pro version you can do eg. Add or edit your profile excavation or writing lippenpflegestift on mirko. But login, browse + reply should be in the basic version IMO

@ Laress ( ʖ )
@ Laress: from the point of view of the user so it would be more fun. but the author unless engulfed the mobile devices are used mainly for browsing and, if necessary. comment, and not to add or edit your profile discoveries. So if you want something to make money, I think it is unfortunately the way

@ John-brewing: eg. Login in pro version: D

lippenpflegestift ny? There is a robotics. It just gets out of Google's servers and there are Polish characters. Maybe you have it installed without such signs? @ John-brewing: I do not know. And try to zoom in and out CTRL + scroll with some views because you can not see
Well, I can only apologize @ john-beer: it well. It apologize ( ʖ )
@ Bartesn: exactly the same thing recently is the "Summer", Google combines with their fonts, and sometimes a few days can exclude lippenpflegestift our national characters lippenpflegestift - so adding Extenden Latin is the solution.

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TureckiKebab 7 months. Ago via Digg for Android
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@ John-beer: an myself there a site which will be collected exceptiony transmitted by active users (do not send data automatically because it is not welcome), or create a critical service (unhandled) wywalanych errors by the API. Transfer lippenpflegestift to one place or create an view displays logs errors. And it is good that it was as if it were at the level of debug logs. It will be easier for you about soooo many fixowac such errors, because I see that appka in pre-beta;) is the basis of good login as unit tests and integration. How would you have problems with this API Drive safely
@ John-beer: lippenpflegestift It is to this that a lot przyzywczaiłem application is not compatible, but what do you do Bożenko, Andek 2.3.7 is max every uciągnie my phone (HTC WFS). Maybe in the future I'll be able to try out for something better.

I wonder if doing paid app for free service to which they are 3 free apps makes sense. I wonder lippenpflegestift how many people will 4 zł to have the same access, only prettier and perhaps made more convenient, lippenpflegestift and how many will buy just to support wykopowicza. Anyway dig and good luck
@ Ktoosiu: 4zł for convenience it is not much. I know that the Poles are not accustomed to paying for soft, music or movies but this is changing. Besides, probably also for their own development do so. CV can afford to enter;)

@ John-brewing: okay, but if there are bugs in the basic functionalities, that you had not released. To be 4zł could not send a comment for 10 minutes? lippenpflegestift Translating the API, but someone mentioned that another trap give advice. And the inability to login ... 2 hours free return not appeal to me, for me it is too short to do with apką. I'd have to cock write comments? A correction of bugs that I know how it looks: only in the new version, two weeks of waiting, etc, etc. But if not very original leads me, it's probably your apka is not for me. And by such restrictions I'm not even interested in watching them her:-) lippenpflegestift
@ Kopamatakawapl: In the free version you can not even log Everywhere he writes that it is the function lippenpflegestift of the pro ... I do not know why is this marvel Wk%@@iające advertising, continuous ... Continuous lock lock? There is only one after all: D

@ John-beer: you could do as his time was whatsup, one year for free and then when extending any license fee for the next. But then apka would have to be good and earnings would come later, and if you really in a hurry and want as much as possible. Poor strategy: P
@ Kopamatakawapl, @ Webster666: Or by PayPal: -]
@ John-brewing: What prompted you to create this app? I use the official and a total of only lennyface miss. the rest is ok, you can only improve stability, but all in all the hanging can be caused by a small amount of memory in my phone
@ Swinkapl: For several reasons, lippenpflegestift such as: - Personally, I thought that the appearance of an official does not convince me. It has a lot of things from a very old version of Android, and I, as a huge fan of this system of things I like to have a date - is

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